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Your browser does not support our video. 51:43وَفِى ثَمُودَ إِذْ قِيلَ لَهُمْ...
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"So, today, We will preserve your body, so that you may become...
وَإِنَّهَا لَبِسَبِيلٍۢ مُّقِيمٍ ٧٦ Their ruins still lie along a known route....
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Modern science confirms that the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon orbits...
The Earth and the Sun are both in constant motion within our...
Recent studies have demonstrated the universe's expanding. You may also independently confirm...
The universe burst into existence about 13.8 billion years ago from an...
Recent discoveries have stated that Because of Earth's gaseous gifts to space, our...
There are two different seas that meet, a barrier separates them, allowing...
Recent scientific research has discovered that Earth's magnetosphere, in conjunction with its...
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[Qur’ān 8:22]